Professor Churilov is Professor of Biostatistics at Melbourne Medical School, University of Melbourne. He completed both his BSc(Hons) (1993) and PhD (1998) degrees at the University of Melbourne.
In 2007- early 2019 he was Head of Statistics and Decision Analysis at Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, Australia. Prof Churilov co-authored over 400 publications in the areas of modelling methodology and clinical applications, including those published in New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, British Medical Journal, Nature Biotechnology, as well as in top flagship journals in Neurology, Stroke, Medical Statistics, and Operations Research.
He is a recipient of international and national awards from the Operational Research (OR) professional societies of the USA, Japan, and Australia, as well as a 2000 Victoria Fellowship, and NHMRC and ARC grant awards. He is a recipient of the Ren Potts Medal of the Australian Society for Operations Research that recognises outstanding contributions to theory and practice of OR. Prof Churilov is an internationally recognized expert in the use of health analytics and statistical modelling for decision support in clinical and health care systems. He is an Associate Editor of the “Operations Research for Health Care” and an Editorial Board member for four other journals. He is a Board member of the European working group for OR in Health Services (ORAHS). The outcomes of Prof Churilov’s work have informed changes in clinical guidelines both in Australia and overseas.
In his current role, Prof Churilov contributes biostatistical, health analytics, and decision modelling expertise to several large international clinical trials and to a number of smaller pre-clinical, clinical, imaging, and service evaluation studies in the areas of general neurology, stroke, epilepsy, spinal cord injury, diabetes, gynaecology, and anaesthesia. He also serves on DSMBs for many large clinical trials. He is currently a Co-Chairperson of the Australasian Stroke Trials Network.
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