New Lived Experience Network on Instagram

AEPCC has launched Psychosis Understood, a new account on Instagram for people with lived experience of psychosis.  

@psychosis_understood is unlike any other social media account in that it features a combination of lived experience stories and tips, along with opportunities to get involved in the design of research.  

We need your help to make @psychosis_understood successful!  

Please share one of our posts via your work and/or personal Instagram or Facebook account so that the people who need @psychosis_understood can find it! 

Please get in touch if you would like us to promote your research, clinical service, event, job or volunteer opportunity. @psychosis_understood also provides an avenue for researchers to conduct polls with the lived experience community to better design clinical trials and strengthen grant applications. 

Why Instagram? 

AEPCC’s Lived Experience Network Establishment Committee suggested we create an account on Instagram because the age group primarily using Instagram includes both young people and their carers. The committee also highlighted the amount of misinformation currently on Instagram about psychosis. @psychosis_understood is intended to add evidence-based content to the platform while also illustrating the varieties of experiences with psychosis.  

Follow @psychosis_understood on Instagram and tell your colleagues and clients! Promotional postcards are available.  

For further information, please email [email protected] 

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