Two young people sitting next to each other looking at a phone

AEPCC is looking to endorse and help facilitate the development of clinical trial grant applications that aim to answer:

“What treatments deliver the best long-term outcomes for people with early psychosis?”

This is the early psychosis research priority question, which was identified through extensive sector-wide consultation.

Researchers are encouraged to submit an expression of interest (EOI) for large scale, multi-site clinical trials that provide timely, high-quality responses to the research priority question.

EOIs will be reviewed by AEPCC’s Clinical Trials and Translation Scientific Committee and applicants will be required to attend the meeting in May to discuss their trial. 

AEPCC will support successful applicants to develop full grant proposals in the following ways:

      • Access to the AEPCC national early psychosis lived experience network

      • Clinical trial design review

      • Biostatistics and health economics review

      • Implementation science and or/translation review

      • Financial and administrative support to bring the chief investigators together for a workshop to progress the grant development

      • Facilitated access to early psychosis clinical services, nationally, for trial recruitment

      • Budget review

      • Promotion of the trial and its translation activities through the AEPCC website, social media, and our national and international networks

    Clinical trials that are endorsed by and developed through facilitating Clinical Trial Networks (Nemeh, Buchbinder et al. 2022) have a significantly increased likelihood of being funded (ACSQHC 2016).

    Researchers are encouraged to think big, on a national scale and be collaborative.

    Please get in touch with any questions before submitting an EOI by emailing: [email protected]

    Key Dates

        • 11:59 pm Sunday 5 May 2024 – EOI close 

        • Friday 24 May 2024 – applications reviewed at the AEPCC Clinical Trials and Translation Network Scientific Meeting 

        • Friday 6 June 2024 – feedback provided to applicants 

      Applications must be submitted through the online application form by the closing date, 11:59 pm Sunday 5 May 2024.  Applications must be completed in a single session.

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